Obvod: K9F1G08U0B [TSOP48] (QIS-02)
Výrobca: Samsung
Popis čísla dielu pre toto zariadenie:
Nabehnutím kurzora zvýraznite konkrétnu sekciuK | Device Type | K = Memory |
9 | Family Descriptor | 9 = NAND Flash |
X | Small Classification | 1 = SLC 1 Chip XD Card 2 = SLC 2 Chip XD Card 3 = 4bit MLC Mono 4 = SLC 4 Chip XD Card 5 = MLC 1 chip XD card 6 = MLC 2 chip XD card 7 = SLC moviNAND 8 = MLC moviNAND 9 = 4bit MLC ODP A = 3bit MLC MONO B = 3bit MLC DDP C = 3bit MLC QDP E = SLC Dual (S/B) F = SLC Normal G = MLC Normal H = MLC QDP J = Non-muxed One Nand K = SLC Die Normal, SLC Die stack L = MLC DDP M = MLC DSP N = SLC DSP O = 3bit MLC ODP P = MLC ODP Q = SLC ODP R = MLC 12-die stack S = MLC 6-die stack T = SLC Single (S/B) U = MLC 16-die stack W = SLC 4 Die Stack Note: SLC = Single Level Cell MLC = Multi Level Cell SM = SmartMedia S/B = Small Block |
XX | Density | 00 = None 40 = 4Mbit 80 = 8Mbit 16 = 16Mbit 32 = 32Mbit 64 = 64Mbit 28 = 128Mbit 56 = 256Mbit 12 = 512Mbit 1G = 1Gbit 2G = 2Gbit 4G = 4Gbit 8G = 8Gbit AG = 16Gbit LG = 24Gbit BG = 32Gbit ZG = 48Gbit CG = 64Gbit NG = 96Gbit DG = 128Gbit EG, FG = 256Gbit GG = 384Gbit HG = 512Gbit |
X | Technology | 0Normal (x8) 1 = Normal (x16) C = Catridge SIP D = DDR M = moviNAND N = moviNAND FAB P = moviMCP T = Premium eSSD Z = SSD |
X | Organization | 0None 6 = x16 8 = x8 |
X | Supply Voltage | 0None A = 1.65V to 3.6V B = 2.5V to 2.9V C = 4.5V to 5.5V D = 2.4V to 2.9V E = 2.3V to 3.6V R = 1.65V to 1.95V Q = 1.7V to 1.95V S = 3,0V to 3,6V / Vccq 1,65V to 1,95V T = 2.4V to 3.0V U = 2.7V to 3.6V V = 3.0V to 3.6V W = 2.7V to 5.5V, 3.0V to 5.5V |
X | Mode | 0Normal 1 = Dual nCE & Dual R/nB 3 = Tri nCE & Tri R/nB 4 = Quad nCE & Single R/nB 5 = Quad nCE & Quad R/nB 6 = 6 nCE & 2 RnB 7 = 8 nCE & 4 RnB 8 = 8 nCE & 2RnB 9 = 1st block OTP A = Mask Option 1 L = Low grade |
X | Generation | M = 1st generation A = 2nd generation B = 3rd generation C = 4th generation D = 5th generation E = 6th generation ... Y = 25th generation Z = 26th generation |
X | Package Type | 8 = TSOP1 (Leed-free, halogen-free, CU) 9 = 56TSOP1 (Lead-free, halogen-free, CU) A = COB B = FBGA (Lead-free, halogen-free) D = 63-TBGA E = ISM (Lead-free, halogen-free) F = WSOP (Lead-free) G = FBGA H = BGA (Lead-free, halogen-free) I = ULGA (Lead-free) (12*17) J = FBGA (Lead-free) K = ULGA (Lead-free, halogen-free) (12*17) L = ULGA (Lead-free, halogen-free) (14*18) M = 52-ULGA (Lead-free, halogen-free) (13*18) P = TSOP1 (Lead-free) Q = TSOP2 (Lead-free) R = 56-TSOP1 (Lead-free, halogen-free) S = TSOP1 (Lead-free, halogen-free) T = WSOP (Lead-free, halogen-free) U = COB (MMC) V = WSOP W = Wafer Y = TSOP1 Z = WELP (Lead-free) |
X | Temperature Range | C = Commercial I = Industrial S = SmartMedia B = SmartMedia BLUE 0None |
X | Customer Bad Block | B = Include bad block D = Daisychain sample K = Special handling L = 1 to 5 bad block N = Ini. all good, add. 10 blocks S = All good block 0None (containing wafer, chip, BIZ, exception handling code) |
X | Pre-Program Version | 0None Serial (1~9, A~Z) |
X | Packing | T = Tape&Reel 0Other (Tray, Tube, Jar) S = Stack |
XX | Customer („customer list reference“) |
Poznámka: Tabuľka popisu čísla dielu popisuje bežný systém číslovania dielov pre viac čipov, preto môže táto tabuľka obsahovať informácie, ktoré nemusia byť platné pre aktuálne vybraný čip. Tu uvedené informácie sú poskytované na základe maximálneho úsilia a môžu byť nepresné alebo neúplné. Preto vždy skontrolujte najnovší technický list čipu, kde nájdete detailný popis čísla dielu. Ak nájdete nejakú nepresnosť, dajte nám vedieť.
vrátiť späť na zoznam výsledkovPodporovaný programátormi a programovacími adaptérmi/modulmi:
BeeHive204 | adaptér/modul: DIL48/TSOP48 ZIF 18.4mm NAND-3 (70-3081) Support of this chip is restricted to some programmer[s] only. Contact manufacturer of programmer for details. |
BeeHive204AP | adaptér/modul: AP1 TSOP48 ZIF 18.4mm NAND-3 (71-3097) Support of this chip is restricted to some programmer[s] only. Contact manufacturer of programmer for details. |
BeeHive208S | adaptér/modul: DIL48/TSOP48 ZIF 18.4mm NAND-3 (70-3081) Support of this chip is restricted to some programmer[s] only. Contact manufacturer of programmer for details. |
BeeProg2 | adaptér/modul: DIL48/TSOP48 ZIF 18.4mm NAND-3 (70-3081) Support of this chip is restricted to some programmer[s] only. Contact manufacturer of programmer for details. |
BeeProg2AP | adaptér/modul: AP1 TSOP48 ZIF 18.4mm NAND-3 (71-3097) Support of this chip is restricted to some programmer[s] only. Contact manufacturer of programmer for details. |
BeeProg2C | adaptér/modul: DIL48/TSOP48 ZIF 18.4mm NAND-3 (70-3081) Support of this chip is restricted to some programmer[s] only. Contact manufacturer of programmer for details. |
BeeHive204AP-AU (bez podpory) | adaptér/modul: AP1 TSOP48 ZIF 18.4mm NAND-3 (71-3097) Support of this chip is restricted to some programmer[s] only. Contact manufacturer of programmer for details. |