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Obvod: STM32F217IET [LQFP176]

Výrobca: STMicroelectronics

Popis čísla dielu pre toto zariadenie:

Nabehnutím kurzora zvýraznite konkrétnu sekciu
XXXXX Device Family STM32 = ARM Cortex family
F Product Type F = General purpose
XXX Subfamily 030 = Cortex-M0 entry level, 48MHz CPU
031 = Cortex-M0 entry level, 48MHz CPU, entry level, HDMI CEC, CAC, touch sense
038 = Cortex-M0 entry level, 48MHz CPU, entry level, HDMI CEC. touch sense, 1.8V supply
042 = Cortex-M0 entry level, 48MHz CPU with USB 2.0 FS, CAN and HDMI CEC interface
050 = Cortex-M0 entry level, 48MHz CPU, enhanced connectivity
048 = Cortex-M0 entry level, 48MHz CPu with USB 2.0 FS, CAN and HDMI CEC interface
051 = Cortex-M0 entry level, 48MHz CPU, enhanced connectivity, capacitive touch
058 = Cortex-M0 entry level, 48MHz CPU, enhanced connectivity, HDMI CEC, CAN touch sense 1.8V supply
070 = Cortex-M0 entry level, 48MHz CPU, USB 2.0 FS
071 = Cortex-M0 entry level, 48MHz CPU with HDMI CEC interface
072 = Cortex-M0 entry level, 48MHz CPU with USB 2.0 FS, CAN and HDMI CEC interface
078 = Cortex-M0 entry level, 48MHz CPU with USB 2.0 FS, CAN and HDMI CEC interface, 1.8V supply
091 = Cortex-M0 entry level, 48MHz CPU, CAN, ADC, DAC, HDMI CEC
098 = Cortex-M0 entry level, 48MHz CPU, CAN, ADC, DAC, HDMI CEC, 1.8V supply
100 = Cortex-M3 mainstream, 24MHz CPU with motor control and CEC
101 = Cortex-M3 mainstream, 36MHz CPU, up to 1MB of Flash
102 = Cortex-M3 mainstream, 48MHz CPU with USB FS
103 = Cortex-M3 mainstream, 72MHz CPU, up to 1MB flash with motor control, USB and CAN
105 = Cortex-M3 mainstream, 72MHz CPU with CAN and USB 2.0 OTG
107 = Cortex-M3 mainstream, 72MHz CPU with Ethernet MAC, CAN and USB 2.0 OTG
101 = Cortex-M3 ultra-low-power, 32MHz CPU with EEPROM, USB and LCD
151 = Cortex-M3 ultra-low-power, 32MHz CPU with EEPROM, USB and capacitive touch
152 = Cortex-M3 ultra-low-power, 32MHz CPU with EEPROM, USB, LCD and capacitive touch
162 = Cortex-M3 ultra-low-power, 32MHz CPU with EEPROM, USB, LCD, AES and capacitive touch
205 = Cortex-M3 high-performance, 120 MHz CPU, up to 1MB flash with advanced connectivity
207 = Cortex-M3 high-performance, 120 MHz CPU, up to 1MB flash with advanced connectivity,
ethernet and camera
215 = Cortex-M3 high-performance, 120 MHz CPU, up to 1MB flash with advanced connectivity and crypto
217 = Cortex-M3 high-performance, 120 MHz CPU, up to 1MB flash with advanced connectivity, enthernet,
camera and crypto
301 = Cortex-M4, mixed signal with DSP and FPU, 72MHz CPU
302 = Cortex-M4 mixed signal with DSP and FPU, 72MHz CPU with CAN and USB
303 = Cortex-M4 mixed signal with DSP and FPU, 72MHz CPU with ultra-fast RAM, CAN and USB
313 = Cortex-M4 mixed signal with DSP and FPU, 72MHz CPU with ultra-fast RAM and CAN, 1.8V supply
318 = Cortex-M4 mixed signal with DSP and FPU, 72MHz CPU with ultra-fast RAM, 1.8V supply
328 = Cortex-M4 mixed signal with DSP and FPU, 72MHz CPU with ultra-fast RAM, 1.8V supply
334 = Cortex-M4 mixed signal with DSP and FPU, 72MHz CPU, ultra-fast RAM, CAN, touch sense
358 = Cortex-M4 mixed signal with DSP and FPU, 72MHz CPU, ultra-fast RAM. CAN
372 = Cortex-M4 mixed signal with DSP and FPU, 72MHz CPU with CAN, USB and sigma-delta ADC
373 = Cortex-M4 mixed signal with DSP and FPU, 72MHz CPU with CAN, USB and sigma-delta ADC
383 = Cortex-M4 mixed signal with DSP and FPU, 72MHz CPU with CAN and sigma-delta ADC, low-power
398 = Cortex-M4 mixed signal with DSP and FPU, 72MHz CPU, CAN, touch sense, 1.8V supply
401 = Cortex-M4 high-performance with DSP and FPU, 84MHz CPU, entry level
405 = Cortex-M4 high-performance with DSP and FPU, 168 MHz CPU, up to 1MB flash with advanced connectivity
407 = Cortex-M4 high-performance with DSP and FPU, 168 MHz CPU, up to 1MB flash with advanced connectivity
ethernet and camera
411 = Cortex-M4 high-performance with DSP and FPU, 100MHz CPU, up to 512kB flash, USG OTG FS
412 = Cortex-M4 high-performance with DSP and FPU, 100MHz CPU, up to 1MB flash, USB OTG FS
413 = Cortex-M4 high-performance with DSP and FPU, 100MHz CPU, up to 1,5MB flash, USB OTG FS, DFSDM
415 = Cortex-M4 high-performance with DSP and FPU, 168 MHz CPU, up to 1MB flash with advanced connectivity
and crypto
417 = Cortex-M4 high-performance with DSP and FPU, 168 MHz CPU, up to 1MB flash with advanced connectivity
ethernet, camera and crypto
423 = Cortex-M4 high-performance with DSP and FPU, 100MHz CPU, up to 1,5MB flash, USB OTG FS, crypto
427 = Cortex-M4 high-performance with DSP and FPU, 180MHz CPU, up to 2MB dual bank flash, ethernet, SDRAM
interface, Chrom-ART accelerator, camera
429 = Cortex-M4 high-performance with DSP and FPU, 180MHz CPU, up to 2MB dual bank flash, ethernet, SDRAM
interface, Chrom-ART accelerator, camera, LCD
437 = Cortex-M4 high-performance with DSP and FPU, 180MHz CPU, up to 2MB dual bank flash, ethernet, SDRAM
interface, Chrom-ART accelerator, camera, crypto
439 = Cortex-M4 high-performance with DSP and FPU, 180MHz CPU, up to 2MB dual bank flash, ethernet, SDRAM
446 = Cortex-M4 high-performance with DSP and FPU, 100MHz CPU, USG OTG FS, CAN, HDMI CEC, Quad SPI, SAI,
SPDIF, camera interface
469 = Cortex-M4 high performance with DSP a FPU, 180MHz CPU, up to 2MB dual bank flash, ethernet,
USB OTG HS/FS, QuadSPI, SAI, CAN, Chrom-ART accelerator, camera, LCD
479 = Cortex-M4 high performance with DSP a FPU, 180MHz CPU, up to 2MB dual bank flash, ethernet,
USB OTG HS/FS, QuadSPI, SAI, CAN, Chrom-ART accelerator, camera, LCD, crypto
722 = Cortex-M7 very high-performance with FPU, 216MHz CPU, up to 512kB flash, USB OTG HS/FS, ADC
723 = Cortex-M7 very high-performance with FPU, 216MHz CPU, up to 512kB flash,
732 = Cortex-M7 very high-performance with FPU, 216MHz CPU, up to 512kB flash, USB OTG HS/FS, ADC, AES
733 = Cortex-M7 very high-performance with FPU, 216MHz CPU, up to 512kB flash,
745 = Cortex-M7 very high-performance with FPU, 216MHz CPU, up to 1MB flash, USB OTG HS/FS, ethernet, ADC,
746 = Cortex-M7 very high-performance with FPU, 200MHz CPU, up to 1MB flash, USB OTG HS/FS,
ethernet, ADC, camera, LCD
756 = Cortex-M7 very high-performance with FPU, 200MHz CPU, up to 1MB flash, USB OTG HS/FS,
ethernet, camera, LCD, crypto
765 = Cortex-M7 very high-performance with FPU, 216MHz CPU, up to 2MB flash, USB OTG HS/FS,
ethernet, ADC, camera
767 = Cortex-M7 very high-performance with FPU, 216MHz CPU, up to 2MB flash, USB OTG HS/FS,
ethernet, ADC, camera, LCD, JEPEG
768 = Cortex-M7 very high-performance with FPU, 216MHz CPU, up to 2MB flash, USB OTG HS/FS,
ADC, camera, LCD, JEPEG, DSI
769 = Cortex-M7 very high-performance with FPU, 216MHz CPU, up to 2MB flash, USB OTG HS/FS,
ADC, camera, LCD, JEPEG, DSI
777 = Cortex-M7 very high-performance with FPU, 216MHz CPU, up to 2MB flash, USB OTG HS/FS,
ethernet, ADC, camera, LCD, JEPEG, crypto
778 = Cortex-M7 very high-performance with FPU, 216MHz CPU, up to 2MB flash, USB OTG HS/FS,
ADC, camera, LCD, JEPEG, DSI, crypto
779 = Cortex-M7 very high-performance with FPU, 216MHz CPU, up to 2MB flash, USB OTG HS/FS,
ADC, camera, LCD, JEPEG, DSI, crypto
X Number Of Pins F = 20 pins
G = 28 pins
K = 32 pins
T = 36 pins
H = 40 pins
C = 48/49 pins
U = 63 pins
R = 64 pins
M = 81 pins
O = 90 pins
V = 100 pins
Z = 143/144 pins
A = 168/169 pins
Q = 132 pins
I = 176 pins
B = 208 pins
N = 216 pins
X Flash Size 4 = 16kB
6 = 32kB
8 = 64kB
B = 128kB
Z = 192kB
C = 256kB
D = 384kB
E = 512kB
F = 768kB
G = 1024kB
H = 1536kB
I = 2048kB
X Temperature Range 3 = -40°C to 125°C
6 = -40°C to 85°C
7 = -40°C to 105°C
X Internal Code Blank or \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'A\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' or \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'B\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'
For STM32F05x:
Blank = Standard die
A = Non-optimized die

Poznámka: Tabuľka popisu čísla dielu popisuje bežný systém číslovania dielov pre viac čipov, preto môže táto tabuľka obsahovať informácie, ktoré nemusia byť platné pre aktuálne vybraný čip. Tu uvedené informácie sú poskytované na základe maximálneho úsilia a môžu byť nepresné alebo neúplné. Preto vždy skontrolujte najnovší technický list čipu, kde nájdete detailný popis čísla dielu. Ak nájdete nejakú nepresnosť, dajte nám vedieť.

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Podporovaný programátormi a programovacími adaptérmi/modulmi:

BeeHive204 adaptér/modul: DIL48/QFP176 ZIF STM32-3 (70-4305) ALEBO DIL48/QFP176 ZIF STM32-3&GD32 (ord.no. 70-6194) or DIL48/QFP176 ZIF STM32-2 (discontinued)
BeeHive204AP adaptér/modul: AP1 QFP176 ZIF STM32-3 (71-2375)
BeeHive208S adaptér/modul: DIL48/QFP176 ZIF STM32-3 (70-4305) ALEBO DIL48/QFP176 ZIF STM32-3&GD32 (ord.no. 70-6194) or DIL48/QFP176 ZIF STM32-2 (discontinued)
BeeHive304 adaptér/modul: AP3 QFP176-1.02 STM32-3 (73-3883) or AP3 QFP176-1.02 STM32-3&GD32 (73-6195)
BeeProg2 adaptér/modul: DIL48/QFP176 ZIF STM32-3 (70-4305) ALEBO DIL48/QFP176 ZIF STM32-3&GD32 (ord.no. 70-6194) or DIL48/QFP176 ZIF STM32-2 (discontinued)
BeeProg2AP adaptér/modul: AP1 QFP176 ZIF STM32-3 (71-2375)
BeeProg2C adaptér/modul: DIL48/QFP176 ZIF STM32-3 (70-4305) ALEBO DIL48/QFP176 ZIF STM32-3&GD32 (ord.no. 70-6194) or DIL48/QFP176 ZIF STM32-2 (discontinued)
BeeProg3 adaptér/modul: AP3 QFP176-1.02 STM32-3 (73-3883) or AP3 QFP176-1.02 STM32-3&GD32 (73-6195)
BeeHive204AP-AU (bez podpory) adaptér/modul: AP1 QFP176 ZIF STM32-3 (71-2375)
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