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Obvod: PPE2A0SL-08GX [FBGA153]

Výrobca: Phison

Popis čísla dielu pre toto zariadenie:

Nabehnutím kurzora zvýraznite konkrétnu sekciu
P Phison  
X Flash Type P = pSLC
T = 3D TLC
S = 2D MLC
XX Controller E2 = PS8225
E7 = PS8231
X Package Type A = 153b
B = 100b
X Reserve 0Reserve
A = 1.8V / 3.3V
X Flash Vendor M = Micron
S = Samsung
X Flash Die Type I = 256Gb B16 TLC
L = 64Gb 14nm MLC
XXX Density 08G = 8GB
16G = 16GB
32G = 32GB
64G = 64GB
x28 = 128GB
X Grade X = Automotive grade 2
A = Automotive
I = Industrial

Poznámka: Tabuľka popisu čísla dielu popisuje bežný systém číslovania dielov pre viac čipov, preto môže táto tabuľka obsahovať informácie, ktoré nemusia byť platné pre aktuálne vybraný čip. Tu uvedené informácie sú poskytované na základe maximálneho úsilia a môžu byť nepresné alebo neúplné. Preto vždy skontrolujte najnovší technický list čipu, kde nájdete detailný popis čísla dielu. Ak nájdete nejakú nepresnosť, dajte nám vedieť.

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Podporovaný programátormi a programovacími adaptérmi/modulmi:

BeeHive204 adaptér/modul: BGA-3110/2579A (70-3110/2579A) ALEBO BGA-Bottom-327 (70-3110) ALEBO BGA-Top-278 ZIF-CS (a) (70-2579A) ALEBO BGA-3110/2635A (70-3110/2635A) ALEBO BGA-Bottom-327 (70-3110) ALEBO BGA-Top-284 ZIF (a) (70-2635A) ALEBO DIL48/BGA153-1.01 ZIF eMMC-3 (70-6331) Support of this chip is restricted to some programmer[s] only. Contact manufacturer of programmer for details.
BeeHive204AP adaptér/modul: AP1 BGA153-1.01 eMMC-1 (71-3322) Support of this chip is restricted to some programmer[s] only. Contact manufacturer of programmer for details.
BeeHive208S adaptér/modul: BGA-3110/2579A (70-3110/2579A) ALEBO BGA-Bottom-327 (70-3110) ALEBO BGA-Top-278 ZIF-CS (a) (70-2579A) ALEBO BGA-3110/2635A (70-3110/2635A) ALEBO BGA-Bottom-327 (70-3110) ALEBO BGA-Top-284 ZIF (a) (70-2635A) ALEBO DIL48/BGA153-1.01 ZIF eMMC-3 (70-6331) Support of this chip is restricted to some programmer[s] only. Contact manufacturer of programmer for details.
BeeHive304 adaptér/modul: AP3 BGA153-1.01 eMMC-1 (73-3040) Support of this chip is restricted to some programmer[s] only. Contact manufacturer of programmer for details.
BeeProg2 adaptér/modul: BGA-3110/2579A (70-3110/2579A) ALEBO BGA-Bottom-327 (70-3110) ALEBO BGA-Top-278 ZIF-CS (a) (70-2579A) ALEBO BGA-3110/2635A (70-3110/2635A) ALEBO BGA-Bottom-327 (70-3110) ALEBO BGA-Top-284 ZIF (a) (70-2635A) ALEBO DIL48/BGA153-1.01 ZIF eMMC-3 (70-6331) Support of this chip is restricted to some programmer[s] only. Contact manufacturer of programmer for details.
BeeProg2AP adaptér/modul: AP1 BGA153-1.01 eMMC-1 (71-3322) Support of this chip is restricted to some programmer[s] only. Contact manufacturer of programmer for details.
BeeProg2C adaptér/modul: BGA-3110/2579A (70-3110/2579A) ALEBO BGA-Bottom-327 (70-3110) ALEBO BGA-Top-278 ZIF-CS (a) (70-2579A) ALEBO BGA-3110/2635A (70-3110/2635A) ALEBO BGA-Bottom-327 (70-3110) ALEBO BGA-Top-284 ZIF (a) (70-2635A) ALEBO DIL48/BGA153-1.01 ZIF eMMC-3 (70-6331) Support of this chip is restricted to some programmer[s] only. Contact manufacturer of programmer for details.
BeeProg3 adaptér/modul: AP3 BGA153-1.01 eMMC-1 (73-3040) Support of this chip is restricted to some programmer[s] only. Contact manufacturer of programmer for details.
BeeHive204AP-AU (bez podpory) adaptér/modul: AP1 BGA153-1.01 eMMC-1 (71-3322) Support of this chip is restricted to some programmer[s] only. Contact manufacturer of programmer for details.
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