adaptér/modul: AP1 LQFP176 ZIF MPC55xx-a (71-2777A) or AP1 LQFP176 ZIF MPC55xx (obsolete) Support of this chip is restricted to some programmer[s] only. Contact manufacturer of programmer for details.
adaptér/modul: AP1 LQFP176 ZIF MPC55xx-a (71-2777A) or AP1 LQFP176 ZIF MPC55xx (obsolete) Support of this chip is restricted to some programmer[s] only. Contact manufacturer of programmer for details.
adaptér/modul: DIL48/LQFP176 ZIF MPC55xx-a (70-2776A) or DIL48/LQFP176 ZIF MPC55xx (obsolete)
BeeHive204AP-AU (bez podpory)
adaptér/modul: AP1 LQFP176 ZIF MPC55xx-a (71-2777A) or AP1 LQFP176 ZIF MPC55xx (obsolete) Support of this chip is restricted to some programmer[s] only. Contact manufacturer of programmer for details.