Universal & Production Device Programmers, Adapters | Elnec
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Obvod: AUO-G1422.1J (ISP)

Výrobca: AUO

Podporovaný programátormi a programovacími adaptérmi/modulmi:

BeeHive204 adaptér/modul: Note: via ISP connector Paid ISP support, usage of this device require active 'Credit box' attached to PC
BeeHive204AP adaptér/modul: Note: via ISP connector Paid ISP support, usage of this device require active 'Credit box' attached to PC
BeeHive208S adaptér/modul: Note: via ISP connector Paid ISP support, usage of this device require active 'Credit box' attached to PC
BeeProg2 adaptér/modul: Note: via ISP connector Paid ISP support, usage of this device require active 'Credit box' attached to PC
BeeProg2AP adaptér/modul: Note: via ISP connector Paid ISP support, usage of this device require active 'Credit box' attached to PC
BeeProg2C adaptér/modul: Note: via ISP connector Paid ISP support, usage of this device require active 'Credit box' attached to PC
BeeHive204AP-AU (bez podpory) adaptér/modul: Note: via ISP connector Paid ISP support, usage of this device require active 'Credit box' attached to PC
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