Universal & Production Device Programmers, Adapters | Elnec
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for BeeProg2/BeeProg2C/BeeHive204/BeeHive208S and BeeProg2AP/BeeHive204AP programmers.

As announced in November 2013, the BeeProg2 and BeeProg2-based programmers (BeeProg2C, BeeHive204, BeeHive208S, BeeProg2AP and BeeHive204AP/BeeHive204AP-AU) programs the parallel NAND Flash and eMMC memories from 3.03 software in the speed-up mode, called TurboMode.

The TurboMode is substantial increasing of programming speed for high-capacity memories, namely parallel NAND Flash and eMMC, as a result of our intensive and smart development. The programming speed for these memories was increased from roughly 2MB/s to roughly 5MB/s.

The next table provide example of huge time savings when TurboMode is used:

Programming time forStandardModeTurboMode
MT29F1G08ABAEAWP (parallel NAND)123s51s
THGBM3G4D1FBAIG (eMMC)892s363s

The TurboMode is freely available for all these programmers: BeeProg2, BeeProg2C, BeeHive204, BeeHive208S, BeeProg2AP and BeeHive204AP/BeeHive204AP-AU.

Let me highlight, the final implementation of the TurboMode for each NAND Flash and eMMC memory (or memory series) needs to rewrite firmware of programmer, to improve low level drivers in PC software, to fine-tune of the programming algorithms and also optimized design of programming adapters.

The availability of the TurboMode for each particular device is mentioned in the software, Device info section for each particular device. Here you can also find the suitable programming adapter type for this mode.

Mainly the necessity of the programming adapters redesign caused, the TurboMode is not available for totally all supported NAND Flash and eMMC devices yet. Therefore if you find some NAND Flash or eMMC device not supported in the TurboMode, let us please know, we will implement it quickly. Use please AlgOR form for this purpose and of course mention - in the 'Comment' or 'Notes to request' field - you need Turbo mode for this device.


Q: Pls let me know how to recognize the TurboMode is available and is used.
A: If TurboMode is available, it is mentioned in the software (Device info for selected device), in the list of devices and also in the search device result at our web site.
In the software, if TurboMode is available for the selected device and user have older programming adapter, the software mention - in the Device info, but also in the Hints window after selection of the device, the TurboMode is available with new/redesigned programming adapter.
If customer already have new/redesigned programming adapter, the TurboMode is switched on and used for the programming automatically.
The information what mode was uses is recorded into log.

Q: I need to know more about this nice feature and also some marketing info (plans, rules).
A: The mentioned TurboMode is parallel development of new programming adapters for high speed devices on BeeProg2 and BeeProg3 programmers. Because lot of our customers use BeeProg2 and BeeProg2-based programmers for mass programming, we came to conclusion to unveil this feature for all customers and free of charge. There is none other limitation of the usage, only new (redesigned) programming adapter have to be used.
We're worked on the implementation few months and TurboMode is currently implemented for all devices supported by "marketed" programming adapters. Rest of devices have notice in the Device info "if you need TurboMode, just ask".

Q: As mentioned in info, the redesign of programming adapter is necessary for this implementation - pls explain.
A: The device manufacturing technology went to smaller dies and lower voltages. The design of some programming adapters is 5+ years old. Programming adapters for BGA packages was designed in intent to simplify usage for users (one universal BGA-Top board + more specializaed BGA-Bottom boards), therefore bypass capacitors was not very close to the device. Also new standards require modification of passive parts values (eMMC). Therefore the redesign of programming adapters was really necessity in most cases.
Probably some memory device can work reliable also with previous programming adapters in the TurboMode, but we come to conclusion to avoid that as potential problems and we use only redesigned programming adapters for TurboMode.

Q: Important question for 8-socket (programming sites) solution: Is it possible that announced data transfer rate 5MB/s (giving 40MB/s for 8 sockets) slows down on USB for multisocket solution? Have you tested it for maximum overall USB throughput?
A: Let me highlight, at our Web site in the section Download, part PC requirements for our programmers we mention (quoted):
"If two multiprogrammers are to be connected to a single PC, then we strongly recommend to connect each programmer to separate USB 2.0 High speed controller (USB EHCI). For more information see User manual for the programmer, the "Hardware setup" chapter.
If such configuration is used, the programming speed is almost the same as in the single-site programming mode. Of course it also depends on the overall usage of CPU usage at that PC.

Practical results at BeeHive208S, programming is running at all sites of programmer:

Programmed deviceStandardMode
transfer rate
transfer rate
8x eMMC memory2.1 MB/s4,7 - 5.2 MB/s
8x parallel NAND Flash2.1 MB/s4.9 - 5.1 MB/s
  • PC configuration: Intel Core2 Quad Q8400 2.66 GHz, 3GB RAM, 2xUSB2.0, Win XP
  • PG4UW software: ver. 3.03
  • CPU usage during these tests: max. 65%.

Q: Is the TurboMode implemented also for serial and parallel NOR Flash memories?
A: The implementation of speed-up have also influence to the serial and parallel NOR Flash memories, but the effect is little, up to 25% saving of programming+verify time, therefore we don't announce this. So, the correct answer is: the TurboMode is related to the eMMC and NAND Flash memories.

Presov, December 2013. Last update: Feb. 2014
Author (comments to): Jan Puobis, Elnec

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