Universal & Production Device Programmers, Adapters | Elnec
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List of Dallas devices supported by: MEMprog2

Number of supported Dallas devices 101 out of 18029 ( Date: 13. Feb. 2025 )

Note: You can find description of Elnec method for device counting here.

DS1077 [SO8] Note: 950 DS1077 [uSOP8] Note: 605 DS1077L [SO8] Note: 950 DS1077L [uSOP8] Note: 605
DS1085 [SO8] Note: 950 DS1085L [SO8] Note: 950 DS1086 [SO8] Note: 950 DS1086 [uSOP8] Note: 605
DS1086L [uSOP8] Note: 605 DS1087L [uSOP8] Note: 605 DS1089L [uSOP8] Note: 605 DS1094L [uSOP8] Note: 605
DS1213B (2Kx8) DS1213B (8Kx8) DS1213C (8Kx8) DS1213C(32Kx8)
DS1216D (32Kx8) DS1220AB DS1220AD DS1220Y
DS1225AB DS1225AD DS1225Y DS1230AB
DS1230W DS1230Y DS1235AB DS1235Y
DS1243Y DS1244Y DS1245AB DS1245Y
DS1248W DS1248Y DS1249AB DS1249Y
DS1250AB DS1250W DS1250Y DS1251W
DS1251Y DS1258AB DS1258W DS1258Y
DS1286 DS1287 DS1287A Note: 1322 DS12887
DS12887A Note: 1322 DS12B887 DS12C887 DS12C887A Note: 1322
DS1511W DS1511Y DS1543 DS1543W
DS1553 DS1553W DS1554 DS1554W
DS1556 DS1556W DS1613C DS1613D
DS1620 DS1620 [SOIC8] Note: 46 DS1630AB DS1630Y
DS1642 DS1643 DS1644 DS1645AB
DS1645Y DS1646 DS1647 DS1650AB
DS1650Y DS1658AB DS1658Y DS1730Y
DS1742 DS1742W DS1743 DS1743W
DS1744 DS1744W DS1745Y DS1746
DS1747 DS1747W DS1750Y DS1758Y
DS1845 [TSSOP14] Note: 1087 DS1846 [TSSOP20] Note: 1089 DS1847 [TSSOP14] Note: 1087 DS1855 [TSSOP14] Note: 1087
DS3902 [MSOP8] Note: 605 DS3903 [TSSOP20] Note: 1089 DS3904 [MSOP8] Note: 605 DS3905 [MSOP10] Note: 984
DS3906 [MSOP10] Note: 984 - - -

Adapter List and Notes

Note 46 - DIL8W/SOIC8 ZIF 200mil (70-0909)
Note 605 - DIL8/SSOP8 ZIF 120mil (70-0358)
Note 950 - DIL8W/SOIC8 ZIF 150mil (70-0901)
Note 984 - DIL10/SSOP10 ZIF 120mil (70-0794)
Note 1087 - DIL14W/TSSOP14 ZIF 170mil (70-0912) OR DIL14W/TSSOP14 ZIF-CS 170mil (70-5746)
Note 1089 - DIL20W/TSSOP20 ZIF 170mil (70-0914)
Note 1322 - DIL40/DIL40 ZIF ForceNC (70-1195)
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