Universal & Production Device Programmers, Adapters | Elnec
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List of Gowin Semicond. devices supported by: BeeProg2C

Number of supported Gowin Semicond. devices 44 out of 134149 ( Date: 13. Feb. 2025 )

Note: You can find description of Elnec method for device counting here.

GW1N-LV1P5 [LQ100] Note: 6261 GW1N-LV1P5 [LQ100](ver B) Note: 6261 GW1N-LV1P5 [LQ100](ver C) Note: 6261 GW1N-LV1P5 [LQ100X] Note: 6261
GW1N-LV1P5 [LQ100X](ver B) Note: 6261 GW1N-LV1P5 [LQ100X](ver C) Note: 6261 GW1N-LV1P5xxxxX [QN48X] Note: 6257 GW1N-LV1P5xxxxX [QN48X](ver B) Note: 6257
GW1N-LV1P5xxxxX [QN48X](ver C) Note: 6257 GW1N-LV2 [QN32] Note: 6267 GW1N-LV2 [QN32](ver B) Note: 6267 GW1N-LV2 [QN32](ver C) Note: 6267
GW1N-LV4 [LQ144] Note: 6213 GW1N-LV4 [LQ144](ver B) Note: 6213 GW1N-LV4 [LQ144](ver D) Note: 6213 GW1N-LV4 [PG256] Note: 6266
GW1N-LV4 [PG256](ver B) Note: 6266 GW1N-LV4 [PG256](ver D) Note: 6266 GW1N-LV9 [QN48] Note: 6624 GW1N-LV9 [QN48](ver C) Note: 6624
GW1N-UV1P5 [LQ100] Note: 6261 GW1N-UV1P5 [LQ100](ver B) Note: 6261 GW1N-UV1P5 [LQ100](ver C) Note: 6261 GW1N-UV1P5 [LQ100X] Note: 6261
GW1N-UV1P5 [LQ100X](ver B) Note: 6261 GW1N-UV1P5 [LQ100X](ver C) Note: 6261 GW1N-UV1P5xxxxX [QN48X] Note: 6257 GW1N-UV1P5xxxxX [QN48X](ver B) Note: 6257
GW1N-UV1P5xxxxX [QN48X](ver C) Note: 6257 GW1N-UV2 (ISP) Note: 138 9999 GW1N-UV2 [QN32] Note: 6267 GW1N-UV2 [QN32](ver B) Note: 6267
GW1N-UV2 [QN32](ver C) Note: 6267 GW1N-UV4 [LQ144] Note: 6213 GW1N-UV4 [LQ144](ver B) Note: 6213 GW1N-UV4 [LQ144](ver D) Note: 6213
GW1N-UV4 [PG256] Note: 6266 GW1N-UV4 [PG256](ver B) Note: 6266 GW1N-UV4 [PG256](ver D) Note: 6266 GW1N-UV9 [QN48] Note: 6624
GW1N-UV9 [QN48](ver C) Note: 6624 GW2AN-EV18X [UBGA484] Note: 6171 GW2AN-LV18X [UBGA484] Note: 6171 GW2AN-UV18X [UBGA484] Note: 6171
- - - -

Adapter List and Notes

Note 138 - Note: via ISP connector
Note 6171 - BGA-6332/5528 (70-6332/5528) = BGA-Bottom-550 (70-6332) + BGA-Top-437 ZIF (70-5528)
Note 6213 - DIL48/QFP144-1.02 ZIF PLD-23 (70-6378)
Note 6257 - DIL48/QFN48-1.02 ZIF PLD-6 (70-6427)
Note 6261 - DIL48/QFP100-1.02 ZIF PLD-31 (70-6441)
Note 6266 - BGA-6434/1079A (70-6434/1079A) = BGA-Bottom-527 (70-6434) + BGA-Top-208 ZIF (a) (70-1079A)
Note 6267 - DIL48/QFN32-1.02 ZIF PLD-4 (70-6438)
Note 6624 - DIL48/QFN48-2.02 ZIF PLD-5 (70-6459)
Note 9999 - Support of this chip is restricted to some programmer[s] only. Contact manufacturer of programmer for details.
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