Universal & Production Device Programmers, Adapters | Elnec
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List of HeYangTek devices supported by: BeeProg2AP

Number of supported HeYangTek devices 43 out of 93911 ( Date: 13. Feb. 2025 )

Note: You can find description of Elnec method for device counting here.

HY25D04UBxA [SOP8-150] Note: 6587 HY25D08UBxA [SOP8-150] Note: 6587 HY25D08UCxA [SOP8-208] Note: 3119 HY25D16UCxA [SOP8-208] Note: 3119
HY25Q128UAxA [WSON8 6x5] Note: 2499 HY25Q128UCxB [SOP8-208] Note: 3119 HY25Q32UCxB [SOP8-208] Note: 3119 HY25Q64UCxB [SOP8-208] Note: 3119
HYE4GUECCE [FBGA153] Note: 3291 HYE8GUECCE [FBGA153] Note: 3291 HYF1GQ4IDACAE [LCC8 type 1] Note: 4975 HYF1GQ4IDACAE [LCC8 type 2] Note: 4975
HYF1GQ4IDACAE [WSON8] Note: 4975 HYF1GQ4UAACAE [WSON8] Note: 3092 HYF1GQ4UDACAE [WSON8] Note: 3092 HYF1GQ4UHCCAE [LGA8L] Note: 3092
HYF1GQ4UPACAE [WSON8] Note: 3092 HYF1GQ4UTACAE [LGA8] Note: 3092 HYF1GQ4UTACAE [WSON8] Note: 3092 HYF1GQ4UTECAE [LGA8] Note: 5372
HYF2GQ4IAACAE [WSON8] Note: 4975 HYF2GQ4UAACAE [WSON8] Note: 3092 HYF2GQ4UDACAE [WSON8] Note: 3092 HYF2GQ4UHCCAE [LGA8L] Note: 3092
HYF2GQ4UTACAE [LGA8] Note: 3092 HYF2GQ4UTACAE [WSON8] Note: 3092 HYF2GQ4UTECAE [LGA8] Note: 5372 HYF4GQ4UAACBE [WSON8] Note: 3092
HYF4GQ4UTACAE [WSON8] Note: 3092 HYF8GQ4UAACAE [WSON8] Note: 3092 HYN1G08UATCA1 [TSOP48] Note: 3110 HYN1G08UDTCA4 [TSOP48] Note: 3110
HYN1G08UHTAA4 [TSOP48] Note: 3110 HYN1G08UKFCA1 [BGA63] Note: 3681 HYN1G08UKTCA1 [TSOP48] Note: 3110 HYN2G08UJTCC4 [TSOP48] Note: 3110
HYN2G08UKTCC1 [TSOP48] Note: 3110 HYN4G08UHTCC1 [TSOP48] Note: 3110 HYN4G08UKTCC1 [TSOP48] Note: 3110 HYN8G08UKTCC1 [TSOP48] Note: 3110
HYSD128M [LGA8] Note: 4993 HYSD256M [LGA8] Note: 4993 HYSD512M [LGA8] Note: 4993 -

Adapter List and Notes

Note 2499 - AP1 QFN8-1 ZIF SFlash-1 (71-2398)
Note 3092 - AP1 QFN8-5.02 ZIF SFlash-1a (71-6691) OR AP1 QFN8-5 ZIF SFlash-1a (71-3088) OR AP1 QFN8-5/2 ZIF SFlash-1a (discontinued)
Note 3110 - AP1 TSOP48 ZIF 18.4mm NAND-3 (71-3097)
Note 3119 - AP1 SOIC8 ZIF 200mil SFlash-1a (71-3093)
Note 3291 - AP1 BGA153-1.01 eMMC-1 (71-3322)
Note 3681 - AP1 BGA63-1 ZIF NAND-1 (71-3669)
Note 4975 - AP1 QFN8-5.02 ZIF SFlash-1a (71-6691) OR AP1 QFN8-5 ZIF SFlash-1a (71-3088) OR AP1 QFN8-5/2 ZIF SFlash-1a (discontinued)
Note 4993 - AP1 QFN8-5.02a ZIF eSD-1 (71-5147)
Note 5372 - AP1 QFN8-1 ZIF SFlash-1b (71-4996) OR AP1 QFN8-1 ZIF SFlash-1 (71-2398)
Note 6587 - AP1 SOIC8 ZIF 150mil SFlash-1b (71-5907) OR AP1 SOIC8 ZIF 150mil SFlash-1a (71-4176) OR AP1 SOIC8 ZIF 150mil SFlash-1 (discontinued)
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