Universal & Production Device Programmers, Adapters | Elnec
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List of Realtek devices supported by: BeeProg2C

Number of supported Realtek devices 48 out of 134540 ( Date: 20. Mar. 2025 )

Note: You can find description of Elnec method for device counting here.

RTD2120L (ISP) Note: 138 RTD2120L [LQFP48] Note: 174 RTD2120L [PLCC44] Note: 850 RTL8721DF (ISP) Note: 138 9997
RTL8721DF [QFN56] Note: 6142 RTL8721DF [QFN68] Note: 5804 RTL8721DFL (ISP) Note: 138 9997 RTL8721DFL [QFN56] Note: 6142
RTL8721DFL [QFN68] Note: 5804 RTL8721DFL-VRC (ISP) Note: 138 9997 RTL8721DFL-VRC [QFN68] Note: 6142 RTL8721DFL-VRD (ISP) Note: 138 9997
RTL8721DFL-VRD [QFN56] Note: 6142 RTL8721DFL-VRE (ISP) Note: 138 9997 RTL8721DFL-VRE [QFN56] Note: 6142 RTL8721DFL-VRT (ISP) Note: 138 9997
RTL8721DFL-VRT [QFN68] Note: 6142 RTL8721DFL-VRU (ISP) Note: 138 9997 RTL8721DFL-VRU [QFN56] Note: 6142 RTL8721DFL-VRV (ISP) Note: 138 9997
RTL8721DFL-VRV [QFN56] Note: 6142 RTL8721DFL-VSE (ISP) Note: 138 9997 RTL8721DFL-VSE [QFN56] Note: 6142 RTL8721DFL-VSV (ISP) Note: 138 9997
RTL8721DFL-VSV [QFN56] Note: 6142 RTL8721DF-VRC (ISP) Note: 138 9997 RTL8721DF-VRC [QFN68] Note: 6142 RTL8721DF-VRT (ISP) Note: 138 9997
RTL8721DF-VRT [QFN68] Note: 6142 RTL8722DF [QFN88] Note: 6504 RTL8722DF-VRC (ISP) Note: 138 9997 RTL8722DF-VRC [QFN88] Note: 6142
RTL8722DF-VRT (ISP) Note: 138 9997 RTL8722DF-VRT [QFN88] Note: 6142 RTL8752CJF [QFN40] Note: 4918 RTL8752CKO [QFN48] Note: 5208
RTL8752CRF [QFN32] Note: 4967 RTL8762AG [QFN32] Note: 4506 RTL8762AJ [QFN40] Note: 5025 RTL8762AR [QFN32] Note: 4506
RTL8762CJF [QFN40] Note: 4918 RTL8762CKO [QFN48] Note: 5208 RTL8762CMF [QFN40](without eFUSE) Note: 4918 RTL8762CRF [QFN32] Note: 4967
RTL8762EJF [QFN40] Note: 4918 RTL8762EKO [QFN48] Note: 5208 RTL8762ERF [QFN32] Note: 4967 RTS5450M [QFN46] Note: 4917
- - - -

Adapter List and Notes

Note 138 - Note: via ISP connector
Note 174 - DIL48/TQFP48-1 ZIF (70-0166)
Note 850 - DIL44/PLCC44 ZIF MSQ (70-0648)
Note 4506 - DIL48/QFN32-1.02 ZIF RTL-1 (70-4550)
Note 4917 - DIL48/QFN46-1.01 ZIF-CS RTL-1 (70-5060)
Note 4918 - DIL48/QFN40-2.02 ZIF RTL-2 (70-5098)
Note 4967 - DIL48/QFN32-1.02 ZIF RTL-2 (70-5114)
Note 5025 - DIL48/QFN40-2.02 ZIF RTL-1 (70-5188)
Note 5208 - DIL48/QFN48-1.02 ZIF RTL-1 (70-5384)
Note 5804 - DIL48/QFN68-1.02 ZIF RTL-1 (70-5992)
Note 6142 - DIL48/QFN56-1.02 ZIF RTL-1 (70-6321)
Note 6504 - DIL48/QFN88-1.02 ZIF RTL-1 (70-6697)
Note 9997 - Paid ISP support, usage of this device require active 'Credit box' attached to PC
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