Universal & Production Device Programmers, Adapters | Elnec
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List of PMC devices supported by: BeeProg2C

Number of supported PMC devices 67 out of 134540 ( Date: 20. Mar. 2025 )

Note: You can find description of Elnec method for device counting here.

Pm25LV010 Pm25LV010 (ISP) Note: 138 Pm25LV010 [SOIC8] Note: 5645 Pm25LV010 [WSON8] Note: 5355
Pm25LV010A (ISP) Note: 138 Pm25LV010A [SOIC8] Note: 5645 Pm25LV010A [WSON8] Note: 5355 Pm25LV020 (ISP) Note: 138
Pm25LV020 [SOIC8] Note: 5645 Pm25LV020 [WSON8] Note: 5355 Pm25LV040 (ISP) Note: 138 Pm25LV040 [SOIC8] Note: 5645
Pm25LV040 [SOIC8-200] Note: 5394 Pm25LV040 [WSON8] Note: 5355 Pm25LV512 Pm25LV512 (ISP) Note: 138
Pm25LV512 [SOIC8] Note: 5645 Pm25LV512 [WSON8] Note: 5355 Pm25LV512A (ISP) Note: 138 Pm25LV512A [SOIC8] Note: 5645
Pm25LV512A [WSON8] Note: 5355 PM28LV64 PM28LV64 [PLCC32] Note: 59 PM28LV64 [SOIC28] Note: 4045
PM28LV64 [TSOP28] Note: 54 Pm29F002B Pm29F002B [PLCC32] Note: 1399 Pm29F002T
Pm29F002T [PLCC32] Note: 1399 Pm29F004B Pm29F004B [PLCC32] Note: 1384 Pm29F004B [TSOP32] Note: 1381
Pm29F004T Pm29F004T [PLCC32] Note: 1384 Pm29F004T [TSOP32] Note: 1381 Pm29LV104RB [PLCC32] Note: 1384
Pm29LV104RB [TSOP32] Note: 1381 Pm29LV104RT [PLCC32] Note: 1384 Pm29LV104RT [TSOP32] Note: 1381 Pm37LV512
Pm37LV512 [PLCC32] Note: 1399 Pm37LV512 [TSOP32] Note: 56 Pm39F010 Pm39F010 [PLCC32] Note: 1399
Pm39F020 Pm39F020 [PLCC32] Note: 1399 Pm39F040 Pm39F040 [PLCC32] Note: 1384
Pm39LV010 [PLCC32] Note: 1399 Pm39LV010 [TSOP32] Note: 1412 Pm39LV010R [PLCC32] Note: 1399 Pm39LV010R [TSOP32] Note: 1412
Pm39LV020 [PLCC32] Note: 1399 Pm39LV020 [TSOP32] Note: 1412 Pm39LV040 [PLCC32] Note: 1384 Pm39LV040 [TSOP32] Note: 1377
Pm39LV512 [PLCC32] Note: 1399 Pm39LV512 [TSOP32] Note: 1412 Pm39LV512R [PLCC32] Note: 1399 Pm39LV512R [TSOP32] Note: 1412
Pm49FL002T [PLCC32] Note: 1399 Pm49FL002T [TSOP32] Note: 56 Pm49FL004T [PLCC32] Note: 1384 Pm49FL004T [TSOP32] Note: 1376
Pm49FL008T [PLCC32] Note: 1384 Pm49FL008T [TSOP32] Note: 1376 Pm49LP002T [PLCC32] Note: 1399 -

Adapter List and Notes

Note 54 - DIL28/TSOP28 ZIF 11.8mm (70-0070)
Note 56 - DIL40/TSOP40 ZIF-CS 12.4mm (70-0072)
Note 59 - DIL32/PLCC32 ZIF (70-0036) OR DIL32/PLCC32 ZIF-CS (70-0274)
Note 138 - Note: via ISP connector
Note 1376 - Bottom TSOP32 NOR-1 (70-1248) + Top TSOP32 ZIF 12.4mm (70-1249)
Note 1377 - Bottom TSOP32 NOR-2 (70-1247) + Top TSOP32 ZIF 12.4mm (70-1249)
Note 1381 - Bottom TSOP32 NOR-2 (70-1247) + Top TSOP32 ZIF 18.4mm (70-1250)
Note 1384 - DIL32/PLCC32 ZIF-CS NOR-1 (70-1251)
Note 1399 - DIL32/PLCC32 ZIF (70-0036) OR DIL32/PLCC32 ZIF-CS (70-0274) OR DIL32/PLCC32 ZIF-CS NOR-1 (70-1251)
Note 1412 - DIL40/TSOP40 ZIF-CS 12.4mm (70-0072) OR Bottom TSOP32 NOR-2 (70-1247) + Top TSOP32 ZIF 12.4mm (70-1249)
Note 4045 - DIL28W/SOIC28 ZIF 300mil (70-0877)
Note 5355 - DIL8/QFN8-1 ZIF SFlash-1b (70-4995) OR DIL8/QFN8-1 ZIF SFlash-1a (70-4195) OR DIL8/QFN8-1 ZIF-CS SFlash-1a (70-1273A)
Note 5394 - DIL8W/SOIC8 ZIF 200mil SFlash-1b (70-5486) OR DIL8W/SOIC8 ZIF 200mil SFlash-1a (70-1270A)
Note 5645 - DIL8W/SOIC8 ZIF 150mil SFlash-1b (70-5797) OR DIL8W/SOIC8 ZIF 150mil SFlash-1a (70-1268A)
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