Universal & Production Device Programmers, Adapters | Elnec
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List of Nordic Semicond. devices supported by: BeeProg2C

Number of supported Nordic Semicond. devices 101 out of 134149 ( Date: 13. Feb. 2025 )

Note: You can find description of Elnec method for device counting here.

nRF24LE1 (ISP) Note: 138 nRF24LE1 [QFN24] Note: 1249 nRF24LE1 [QFN32] Note: 1250 nRF24LE1 [QFN48] Note: 4671
nRF24LE1D (ISP) Note: 138 nRF24LE1D [QFN24] Note: 1249 nRF24LE1E (ISP) Note: 138 nRF24LE1E [QFN32] Note: 1250
nRF24LE1F (ISP) Note: 138 nRF24LE1F [QFN48] Note: 4671 nRF24LE1-F16 (ISP) Note: 138 nRF24LE1-F16 [QFN24] Note: 1249
nRF24LE1-F16 [QFN32] Note: 1250 nRF24LE1-F16 [QFN48] Note: 4671 nRF24LE1G (ISP) Note: 138 nRF24LE1G [QFN32] Note: 1250
nRF24LE1H (ISP) Note: 138 nRF24LE1H [QFN48] Note: 4671 nRF24LE1I (ISP) Note: 138 nRF24LE1I [QFN24] Note: 1249
nRF24LE1-O17 (ISP) Note: 138 nRF24LE1-O17 [QFN24] Note: 1249 nRF24LE1-O17 [QFN32] Note: 1250 nRF24LE1-O17 [QFN48] Note: 4671
nRF24LU1 (ISP) Note: 138 nRF24LU1 [QFN32] Note: 4919 nRF24LU1-F16 (ISP) Note: 138 nRF24LU1-F16 [QFN32] Note: 4919
nRF24LU1P (ISP) Note: 138 nRF24LU1P [QFN32] Note: 4919 nRF24LU1P-F16 (ISP) Note: 138 nRF24LU1P-F16 [QFN32] Note: 4919
nRF24LU1P-F32 (ISP) Note: 138 nRF24LU1P-F32 [QFN32] Note: 4919 nRF24LU1P-O17 (ISP) Note: 138 nRF24LU1P-O17 [QFN32] Note: 4919
nRF31512 (ISP) Note: 138 nRF31512 [QFN28] Note: 2816 nRF31512 [QFN32] Note: 2837 nRF31562 (ISP) Note: 138
nRF31562 [QFN24] Note: 2801 nRF51422-CEAA [WLCSP62] Note: 3207 nRF51422-QFAA [QFN48] Note: 2924 nRF51422-QFAB [QFN48] Note: 2924
nRF51422-QFAC [QFN48] Note: 2924 nRF51422-xxAA (ISP) Note: 138 9997 nRF51422-xxAB (ISP) Note: 138 9997 nRF51422-xxAC (ISP) Note: 138 9997
nRF51802-QFAA [QFN48] Note: 2924 nRF51802-xxAA (ISP) Note: 138 9997 nRF51822-CEAA [WLCSP62] Note: 3207 nRF51822-CEAB [WLCSP62] Note: 3207
nRF51822-CFAC [WLCSP62] Note: 3664 nRF51822-QFAA [QFN48] Note: 2924 nRF51822-QFAA [QFN48] (HTV-01) Note: 2924 9999 nRF51822-QFAB [QFN48] Note: 2924
nRF51822-QFAC [QFN48] Note: 2924 nRF51822-xxAA (ISP) Note: 138 9997 nRF51822-xxAB (ISP) Note: 138 9997 nRF51822-xxAC (ISP) Note: 138 9997
nRF52810-QCAA [QFN32] Note: 4810 nRF52810-QCAA-E [QFN32] Note: 4810 nRF52810-QFAA [QFN48] Note: 3639 nRF52810-QFAA-E [QFN48] Note: 3639
nRF52810-xxAA (ISP) Note: 138 9997 nRF52810-xxAA-E (ISP) Note: 138 9997 nRF52811-QCAA [QFN32] Note: 4810 nRF52811-QCAA-B [QFN32] Note: 4810
nRF52811-QFAA [QFN48] Note: 3639 nRF52811-QFAA-B [QFN48] Note: 3639 nRF52811-xxAA (ISP) Note: 138 9997 nRF52811-xxAA-B (ISP) Note: 138 9997
nRF52820-QDAA [QFN40] Note: 5577 nRF52820-QDAA-D [QFN40] Note: 5577 nRF52832-CIAA [WLCSP50] Note: 5162 nRF52832-CIAA-G [WLCSP50] Note: 5162
nRF52832-QFAA [QFN48] Note: 3639 nRF52832-QFAA-G [QFN48] Note: 3639 nRF52832-QFAB [QFN48] Note: 3639 nRF52832-QFAB-G [QFN48] Note: 3639
nRF52832-xxAA (ISP) Note: 138 9997 nRF52832-xxAA-G (ISP) Note: 138 9997 nRF52832-xxAB (ISP) Note: 138 9997 nRF52832-xxAB-G (ISP) Note: 138 9997
nRF52833-CJAA [WLCSP75] Note: 6078 nRF52833-CJAA-B [WLCSP75] Note: 6078 nRF52833-QDAA [QFN40] Note: 5577 nRF52833-QDAA-B [QFN40] Note: 5577
nRF52833-QIAA [AQFN73] Note: 4583 nRF52833-QIAA-B [AQFN73] Note: 4583 nRF52840-QIAA [AQFN73] Note: 4583 nRF52840-QIAA-F [AQFN73] Note: 4583
nRF52840-xxAA (ISP) Note: 138 9997 nRF52840-xxAA-F (ISP) Note: 138 9997 nRF9160-SICA-B1A [LGA127] Note: 6488 nRF9160-SICA-B1A [LGA127] (ALL) Note: 6488
nRF9160-SICA-B1A [LGA127] (modem) Note: 6488 nRFLU1P16 (ISP) Note: 138 nRFLU1P16 [QFN32] Note: 4919 nRFLU1PA (ISP) Note: 138
nRFLU1PA [QFN32] Note: 4919 - - -

Adapter List and Notes

Note 138 - Note: via ISP connector
Note 1249 - DIL48/QFN24 ZIF-CS nRF-1 (70-1088)
Note 1250 - DIL48/QFN32 ZIF-CS nRF-1 (70-1086)
Note 2801 - DIL48/QFN24 ZIF nRF-2 (70-2744)
Note 2816 - DIL48/QFN28 ZIF nRF-1 (70-2765)
Note 2837 - DIL48/QFN32 ZIF nRF-2 (70-2782)
Note 2924 - DIL48/QFN48 ZIF nRF-3 (70-2901)
Note 3207 - BGA-3216/3220 (70-3216/3220) = BGA-Bottom-316 (70-3216) + BGA-Top-328 ZIF-CS (70-3220)
Note 3639 - DIL48/QFN48-2.02 ZIF nRF-4 (70-3663)
Note 3664 - BGA-3216/3685 (70-3216/3685) = BGA-Bottom-316 (70-3216) + BGA-Top-380 ZIF-CS (70-3685)
Note 4583 - DIL48/QFN73-1.01 ZIF-CS nRF-4 (70-4675) OR DIL48/QFN73-1.01 ZIF nRF-4 (70-5483)
Note 4671 - DIL48/QFN48 ZIF-CS nRF-1a (70-1089A)
Note 4810 - DIL48/QFN32-1.02 ZIF nRF-3 (70-4907)
Note 4919 - DIL48/QFN32-1.02 ZIF nRF-4 (70-5100)
Note 5162 - DIL48/BGA50-1 ZIF nRF-4 (70-5239)
Note 5577 - DIL48/QFN40-2.02 ZIF nRF-4 (70-5754)
Note 6078 - DIL48/WLCSP75-1 ZIF nRF-4 (70-6240)
Note 6488 - DIL48/LGA127 ZIF nRF-1 (70-6565)
Note 9997 - Paid ISP support, usage of this device require active 'Credit box' attached to PC
Note 9999 - Support of this chip is restricted to some programmer[s] only. Contact manufacturer of programmer for details.
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