Connect module with programmer and target system according to the picture at bottom page.
Package also contain cable with ERNI connector, to connect to target system.
Descrition of Module ISP-STM8-20 connector pins (X2):
1 - Target VCC check only
2 - SWIM
3 - GND (VSS)
4 - Reset
5 - GND (VSS)
6 - GND (VSS)
7 - GND (VSS)
8 - GND (VSS)
9 - Target system power supply *1
10 - Target system power supply *1
Descrition of SWIM connector pins:
1 - Target VCC check only
2 - SWIM
3 - GND (VSS)
4 - Reset
*1 Programmer can provide a power supply for the target system.
Software note
If software version, you're using currently, doesn't contain support for this module, please download the latest version of software - Regular or OnDemand - from our web site.