Universal & Production Device Programmers, Adapters | Elnec
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  • specialized adapter for NAND flash modules from 3D Plus in LGA52 package
  • designed for TurboMode
  • used ZIF socket may accept one or more variants of supported package, different in ball diameter, ball high and/or body thickness, see section Accepted package(s)
  • operating (mechanical) warranty of ZIF socket – 10,000 actuations
  • supported from PG4UW software version 3.40r
  • NOTE: in case of programming adapter identify error, please use PG4UW software version 3.76 and newer (see application note AN-IDX)
  • made in Slovakia
Ord. no. 70-4767
Socket ZIF LGA52, FastLock type
Bottom 2x24 pins, square, 0.6x0.6mm, rows spacing 600mil
Class Specialized
Subclass Memory (NOR/NAND/eMMC)
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DIL48/LGA52-6 ZIF module 3D Plus NAND-1, 70-4767 Move the cursor over the picture for additional view.

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Adapter manual

  • Protect the contacts of adapter connectors and ZIF socket from contamination. Any dirt and/or fat on contacts may cause errors during programming.
  • Usage of vacuum pick-up tool is expected for device handling.
  • Proceed with care! Incorrect insertion of adapter in programmer ZIF socket or device in adapter ZIF socket may lead to programmed device damage.

  • Insert adapter to the device programmer ZIF socket according to the picture placed near of it. If you have some doubts about orientation of this adapter in device programmer ZIF socket, it is valid general rule, the orientation of the text of title is the same as the text on the top of the device programmer.
  • For detail user instructions how use this ZIF please check this pdf.
  • Open adapter ZIF socket. Insert the device into the adapter ZIF socket. The right position of the programmed device in adapter ZIF socket is show at picture near (mainly left above) the adapter ZIF socket. On this picture reference corner (e.g. position of pin 1) of device is indicated by dot, by number 1, by bevelled corner or by any combination of them.
  • Visually check interconnection between device and adapter ZIF socket. If everything looks OK, close socket, and the device is ready for programming.
  • When you finish work with adapter, remove it from the device programmer ZIF socket.

  • Operating conditions: temperature 5°C ÷ 40°C (41°F ÷ 104°F), humidity 20% ÷ 80% non-condensing.

Software note

  • If software version, you're using currently, doesn't contain support for this programming module, please download the latest version of software - Regular or OnDemand - from our web site.

Accepted package(s)

BGA package Package
Ball HeightA1---
Body ThicknessA2--2
Ball Diameterb0.7-1
Body SizeD18.5518.718.85
Body SizeE14.5514.714.85
Ball Pitche-1-
Ball Array DGD-19-
Ball Array EGE-9-

Usable for programmer(s):

BeeHive208S BeeHive204 BeeProg2 BeeProg2C
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