Universal & Production Device Programmers, Adapters | Elnec
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  • top board of BGA adapters
  • used ZIF socket may accept one or more variants of supported package, different in ball diameter, ball high and/or body thickness, see section Accepted package(s)
  • operating (mechanical) warranty of ZIF socket - 10,000 actuations
  • supported from PG4UW software version 3.39a
  • NOTE: in case of programming adapter identify error, please use PG4UW software version 3.76 and newer (see application note AN-IDX)
  • made in Slovakia
Ord. no. 70-4744
Socket ZIF BGA676, OpenTop type
Bottom 2x25 pins, square, 0.6x0.6mm
Subclass BGA-Top
Availability in stock
1 pcs.
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BGA-Top-414 ZIF, 70-4744

Price: US $699.00 [read this!]

Price 2-3: US $664.10

Price 4-7: US $643.10

Price 8+ : Ask for price [?]

Elnec fully understand needs of customers programming high volumes for which cost of adapters is one of most important component of costs. Therefore Elnec policy is to offer:

    1. fixed discount when buying 4+ adapters of particular type,

    2. individual discount for quantities 8+ according to type of adapter and        demanded quantity. To get Quotation 8+ please click here: Ask for price

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Adapter manual

  • Protect the contacts of adapter connectors and ZIF socket from contamination. Any dirt and/or fat on contacts may cause errors during programming.
  • Usage of vacuum pick-up tool is expected for device handling.
  • Proceed with care! Incorrect insertion of adapter in programmer ZIF socket or device in adapter ZIF socket may lead to programmed device damage.

  • For work with BGA device it is necessary put together BGA-Top-X with some BGA-Bottom-X board according to the information provided by PG4UW software for each particular device (menu Device/ Device info).
  • The picture shows, how to put together the BGA-Top-X and BGA-Bottom-X board to have complete BGA adapter.

  • Insert complete adapter into programmer ZIF socket. If you are in doubts about orientation of the adapter in programmer ZIF socket, there is a rule of thumb - orientation of adapter name text is the same as orientation of the text on the top of programmer.
  • Visually check the placement of adapter in programmer ZIF socket.
  • Push the cover of adapter ZIF socket (the topmost movable part) to open the socket. Once fully actuated, drop the device into the socket from a height of 2 to 3mm above the seating plane. For correct device orientation, follow the instructions shown on picture in PG4UW software Device info window for device being programmed. Then release adapter ZIF socket.
  • The cover must be fully actuated (depressed) before inserting a device into the socket.
  • Do not press on device while inserting it and/or releasing the cover.
  • Check this brochure (https://www.elnec.com/sw/3m_tweezer_handling.pdf) for details on proper insertion procedure of chip/device into this ZIF socket.
  • Check attached brochure for details on proper insertion procedure of chip/device into this ZIF socket.
  • Visually check the placement of programmed device in adapter ZIF socket. If everything looks OK, the device is ready for programming.
  • To take out the device from adapter, push the cover of adapter ZIF socket and remove the device.
  • When you finish the work with adapter, remove it from programmer ZIF socket.

  • Operating conditions: temperature 5°C ÷ 40°C (41°F ÷ 104°F), humidity 20% ÷ 80% non-condensing.
Help for BGA-Top-414 ZIF, 70-4744

Software note

  • If software version, you're using currently, doesn't contain support for this programming module, please download the latest version of software - Regular or OnDemand - from our web site.

Accepted package(s)

BGA package Package
Ball HeightA10.360.460.56
Body ThicknessA2---
Ball Diameterb0.530.630.73
Body SizeD-27-
Body SizeE-27-
Ball Pitche-1-
Ball Array DGD-26-
Ball Array EGE-26-

Usable for programmer(s):

BeeHive208S BeeHive204 BeeProg2 BeeProg2C
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