Universal & Production Device Programmers, Adapters | Elnec
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BGA-0994/0996 is combination of

BGA-Bottom-144 (Ord. no. 70-0994)

70-0994 Click for detail and/or order

BGA-Top-175 ZIF (Ord. no. 70-0996)

70-0996 Click for detail and/or order

Adapter manual

  • For work with BGA device it is necessary put together BGA-Bottom-X with some BGA-Top-X board according to the information provided by PG4UW software.
  • The picture shows, how to put together the BGA-Bottom-x and BGA-Top-x board to have complete BGA adapter.
Help for BGA-0994/0996, 70-0994/0996

Software note

  • If software version, you're using currently, doesn't contain support for this programming module, please download the latest version of software - Regular or OnDemand - from our web site.

Usable for programmer(s):

BeeHive208S BeeHive204 BeeHive204AP BeeHive204AP-AU BeeProg2 BeeProg2AP BeeProg2C
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