Universal & Production Device Programmers, Adapters | Elnec
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Fake of the BeeProg programmer.

Let us inform you, that we encountered the fake of BeeProg programmer at some eBay sellers, for example: embeddedworld, accuni-express, e-lab-uk, ari-elk and wei68xin.

The manufacturer of the fake BeeProgs stole our logo and intellectual property by manufacturing fake copies of BeeProg programmer. This 'product' uses also our software and users of this fake BeeProg are asking for our free technical support. Although the copy of the BeeProg programmer is done well, the manufactures of the fake BeeProg overlooked few details. Result is, the fake BeeProg unit differs from the original, visible for the software. We've used one of these differences - it is not a serial number - and our software could detect this fake hardware. If PG4UW software detects a fake hardware, it shows message 'Fake programmer unit detected!' and programmer will no longer work.

If you're facing such situation, contact please the vendor, where from you bought the programmer, for full credit return. Or you can take this vendor to court for selling a fake products. We regret, we could not provide any assistance in this case.


To avoid a disillusion from the not working programmer, we don't recommend to buy programmer from anonymous sellers. Elnec stopped selling of BeeProg programmer in the middle of 2007, some unit was available in stocks of Elnec resellers after few months too, but not today. Current selling of BeeProg is most likely fake unit, so avoid the problems by buying this product.

Note: I must highlight, neither Elnec, nor Elnec distributors, sell the BeeProg programmer through eBay. Elnec is not responsible for any losses caused by fake BeeProg programmer. Elnec don't provide any support to owners of fake units. Responsibility lies with manufacturer and resellers of fake products.

Elnec s.r.o.
Jan Puobis
Jana Bottu 5
Presov, Slovakia

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