Universal & Production Device Programmers, Adapters | Elnec
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Device: 5CEBA2 [FBGA256](Jam)

Manufacturer: Altera

Part number description for this device:

Move the cursor over the box to highlight particular section
XX Family Signature 5C = Cyclone V
X Family Variant E = Enhanced logic/memory
X Embeded Hard IPs B = No hard PCIe or hard memory controller
F = No hard PCIe and maximum 2 hard memory controllers
XX Member Code A2 = 25K logic elements
A4 = 49K logic elements
A5 = 77K logic elements
A7 = 150K logic elements
A9 = 301K logic elements
X Package Type F = FineLine BGA (FBGA)
U = Ultra FineLine BGA (UBGA)
M = Micro FineLine BGA (MBGA)
XX Package Code FBGA package type
17 = 256 pins
23 = 484 pins
27 = 672 pins
31 = 896 pins
UBGA package type
15 = 324 pins
19 = 484 pins
MBGA package type
13 = 383 pins
15 = 484 pins
X Operating Temperature C = Commercial(Tj=0°C to 85°C)
I = Industrial(Tj=-40°C to 100°C)
A = Automotive(Tj=-40°C to 125°C)
X FBGA Fabric Speed Grade 6 = fastest
X Optional Suffix - indicates specific device options or shipment method
N = Lead-free packaging
- contact Altera for avilability of leaded options
ES = Engineering samples
SC = Internal scrubbing support

Note: Part number description table describes usual part-numbering system for more chips, therefore this table can contain information, that might not be valid for the actually selected chip. The information here are provided on the best-effort basis and might be either inaccurate or incoplete. Therefore always check the latest datasheet of the chip for part number description detail. If you find some inaccuracy, let us please know.

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Supported by programmers and programming adapters/modules:

BeeHive204 adapter/module: BGA-4677/1079A (70-4677/1079A) = BGA-Bottom-459 (70-4677) + BGA-Top-208 ZIF (a) (70-1079A)
BeeHive208S adapter/module: BGA-4677/1079A (70-4677/1079A) = BGA-Bottom-459 (70-4677) + BGA-Top-208 ZIF (a) (70-1079A)
BeeHive304 adapter/module: AP3 BGA256-3 PLD-27 (73-5391)
BeeProg2 adapter/module: BGA-4677/1079A (70-4677/1079A) = BGA-Bottom-459 (70-4677) + BGA-Top-208 ZIF (a) (70-1079A)
BeeProg2C adapter/module: BGA-4677/1079A (70-4677/1079A) = BGA-Bottom-459 (70-4677) + BGA-Top-208 ZIF (a) (70-1079A)
BeeProg3 adapter/module: AP3 BGA256-3 PLD-27 (73-5391)
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