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Discontinued product from 10/2006. Without replacement, we've closed EPROM simulators line.

EPROM simulator

Short description:

  • simulation of EPROM 2Kx8..64Kx8 (2716...27512), 120ns
  • low voltage EPROM support from 2.5V
  • output buffer powered from target system
  • connection to PC - parallel printer port
  • easy to use control program, DOS and Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP compatible
  • 3 years warranty


SIMEPROM-01B is an EPROM simulator, designed for the development workplace, where are using EPROMs or PROMs. SIMEPROM-01B application is in the cases, where is emulator's use ineffective or impossible. Typical applications example of simulator EPROM are low-cost microprocessors system debugging, character generator in videocards/monitors tuning, etc. SIMEPROM-01B can replace EPROM from 2716 to 27512 with the access time above 120ns. Because output buffer of SIMEPROM-02aLV is powered from target system, there is possible to perform RESET of the target system by its power-off and power-on without problems. Quality of SIMEPROM-01B and negligible sales returns allows afford nearly lifetime - 3 years - guarantee for him.

Since SIMEPROM-01B simulator contains CMOS RAM, whose contents can be easily changed anytime, it can replace obsolete debugging cycle:

  • switching off the target system
  • removing the EPROM from the socket
  • EPROM erasing
  • EPROM programming
  • inserting EPROM into the socket
  • switching on the target system
    (about 20 minutes)

with much simple procedure:

  • switching off the target system
  • removing the EPROM from the socket
  • EPROM erasing
  • EPROM programming
  • inserting EPROM into the socket
  • SIMEPROM-01B re-downloading
    (about 3 seconds)

In addition, the SIMEPROM-01B enables the user forced the RESET signal on a device under development. Thus, a software can be debugged without handling the device.

SIMEPROM-01B interfaces with the IBM PC, XT to Pentium Pro, portable or desktop personal computers. Simulators allows you to directly connect to your PC through any standard parallel printer port (no special interface card needed). Using a Y reduction they are possible to connect two SIMEPROM-01B simulators to the same parallel port.

The SIMEPROM-01B simulator is controlled from the PC by the control program, which is common for all of the Elnec's EPROM simulators. It is easy-to-use nice software with pull-down menu, hot keys and on-line help. The control program find himself type and port of connected simulator. Thus, it's possible connect all types of Elnec's simulators on the same computer at the same time. User can do:

  • all necessary functions with simulator (download, RESET control)
  • with buffer (view, edit, fill, copy, swap, checksum, print)
  • read/write buffer in binary or wide range of HEX formats

Before exit of program, it can save all of the configuration for next use.

There are a BAT file version of control program, which can download of simulator content and can change the RESET status. For DOS operating system is available resident version of control program too.


SIMEPROM-01B operations

  • download
  • RESET control in target system

Buffer operations

  • view/edit, find/replace
  • fill/copy, move, byte swap, word/dword split
  • checksum (byte, word)
  • print

Download time

  • EPROM type 27512, PC386/DX33 : 4 seconds

Supported file formats

  • unformatted (raw) binary
  • HEX: Intel, Intel EXT, Motorola S, MOS, Exormax, Tektronix, ASCII-SPACE-HEX

Supported devices

  • EPROM/PROM: NMOS/CMOS, family 27xxx and 27Cxxx from 2KByte (2716) to 64Kbyte (27512) with 8 bit data bus
  • EEPROM: NMOS/CMOS, family 28xxx, 28Cxxx, 27EExxx from 2KByte (2816) to 32KByte (28256) with 8 bit data bus
  • EPROM/PROM/EEPROM from 64KByte to 128KByte with 16 bit data buss (2x SIMEPROM-01B with converter DIL40/DIL2x32 W-EPROM)


  • response on the address changed : max. 120ns
  • response on the CE\ signal going to L : max. 120ns
  • response on the OE\ signal going to L : max. 60ns
  • response on the either OE\ or CE\ going to H (data float): max. 10ns
  • Input compatibility : 74HCT
  • Output compatibility : 74HC
  • Low voltage EPROM support from 2.5V if powered from external power supply.

Relationship between supply voltage of EPROM in target device and equivalent speed.

Supply voltage Equivalent speed
4.5V - 5.5V        120ns
3.5V - 4.5V        160ns
2.5V - 3.5V        200ns


PC system requirements

  • Processor: IBM PC AT or above, free 512 KB RAM
  • CD drive. Hard disk with 10 MB free space
  • Operating system: DOS 3.2 or higher, Windows 3.x or Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP
  • Free parallel (printer) port for connection of simulator


  • operating voltage source:
    - external adapter 7..15V DC/100mA (center minus) or
    - 5V +-10% from target system through emulation cable
  • power consumption: 80mA max.
  • RESET forcing circuit: max. 20V, max. 100mA
  • dimensions: 132x66x30 [mm]
  • weight: about 100g
  • environment: office/laboratory
  • humidity 20%..80%, non condensing

Package included

  • SIMEPROM-01B simulator
  • connection cable to PC
  • precise 28 pin DIL socket, connected to simulator POD
  • precise 24 pin DIL socket for DIL24 memories simulation
  • user manual
  • CD with software
  • registration card
  • transport case

Simulator's price included too:

The information in this document is subject to change without notice.

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