Universal & Production Device Programmers, Adapters | Elnec
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Company info

Elnec is Europe's leading provider of solutions for programming NAND Flash memories, microcontrollers and other programmable devices.

Elnec is committed to set a new standard in the industry by providing highly universal, reliable and cost effective programming solutions for devices in any package, whether programmed in a socket or through ISP on a circuit board.

"We love satisfied customers" - this is the motto of Elnec which clearly indicates our fully customer-oriented approach towards the business.

Products & Highlights

Elnec provides solutions which cover customer's needs for device programming from the lowest to the highest in volume.

Our product range:


All our Device Programmers use the same Software and Algorithms. We provide industry's most flexible Software update service - OnDemand version of the software with new devices support and software improvements is released according the customers' needs, in many cases daily.

All Elnec products are backed with a comprehensive Technical support (within next working day response guarantee) and life-time free Software updates. All Elnec Universal and Production Programmers are backed with worldwide unique 3-year warranty.

Willing to meet requirements of manufacturers halfway, Elnec is providing considerable quantity discounts on programming adapters to bring the most competitive cost of programming per device. In the same way, Elnec continually enhances programmers' Software with new features such as Serialization, Complex Statistics, Remote Control, etc. which are available for all customers via free Software download.


Elnec was founded in 1991. From the beginning the company was oriented towards development and production of tools for developers and electronics manufactures.

Elnec's headquarters and manufacturing facility is located in Presov, Slovakia, European Union. Local sales support is provided by authorized distributors present in more than 40 countries. In some territories Elnec's products are sold also under ODM names - Dataman (UK & USA) and Minato (Japan). Elnec programmers also can be found in brand name catalogues of companies like Distrelec, Elfa, TME (Poland), SOS (Slovakia), Farnell, RS Components (UK) and others.

Elnec Team
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Terms and conditions

Terms and conditions (.PDF)

Quality of Elnec products

We at Elnec are deeply committed to quality of our products - it is one of our top priorities. To keep quality of our products at highest possible level whole process of development, manufacturing, testing and burning-in of all products is done "in-house" at Elnec Slovakia.

Elnec has by now not granted to any third party right or license to manufacture its products. All processes beginning from component ordering and ending with packing products for dispatch are performed and carefully controlled at Elnec Slovakia. We ship our products typically by reliable couriers - Fedex and DHL what ensures fast and reliable delivery.

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